Senegalese Food

Maafe recipe

The origins of the Maafe Recipe

Maafe is a dish found throughout the whole of Western Africa. Somepeanutsauce rice and beef from senegal claim the dish originates from Guinea, while other say it where the Mandinka people of Mali who first came up with recipe. However the name of the Dish ‘Maafe’ or ‘Mafé’ means sauce in the Fula language, which is spoken by the Fula or Peuhl people who live all across West Africa. The dish is really popular in countries like Senegal, Gambia, Guinee-Conakry, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast. The recipe for Maafe has slightly regional differences, but it’s main ingredients are white rice, some kind of meat or poultry and peanut sauce.

Maafe, peanutsauce & rice from Senegal

The following recipe is based on a local variant from Senegal, which is really similar to the Maafe dish eaten in Gambia and other West African countries. This variant of the recipe for Maafe is served with beef, but one could also change the recipe for chicken.

main ingredients for Senegalese Maafe

  • One pound of beef (500gr)
  • White rice
  • Peanut butter
  • Tomato concentrate
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 2 normal potatoes
  • 1 eggplant
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 tomatoes
  • cooking oil (15 ml)
  • 1 laurel leaf
  • 2 Maggi cubs
  • 1,5 liter of water
  • Salt
  • pepper

easy recipe for Senegalese Maafe

1st step:
Cut the beef into smaller pieces and heat up the oil in a big deep pan.
Now fry the meat until it takes a slight brown color.

2nd step:
Chop the onions and tomatoes. Now add the onions first and fry them slightly before adding the chopped tomatoes.

3rd step:
Now add 2 tablespoons of tomato concentrate and cook for 2-3 minutes .

4th step:
Add around 1,5 liter of water so that the meat is completely covered.

5th step:
add 4 tablespoons of peanut butter to the water and stir slowly until there are no lumps left.

6th step:
Now chop all the vegetables left (1 sweet potato, 2 normal potatoes, 1 eggplant, 3 carrots, 1 chili pepper) in rather big pieces and add them together with the laurel leaf and the magi cubes to the pan. Let it simmer on low fire for about 50 minutes.
7th step:
Cook the white rice and serve it together on one big plate with the thickened maafe sauce. Now enjoy your Senegalese Maafe together with your friends or family. add a bit of salt and pepper if necessary.  Bonne Appetite!

african chicken Senegalese Food

Chicken Yassa

Poulet Yassa

Poulet Yassa, french for Chicken Yassa is one of the delicious Poulet Yassa Chicken recipe Senegal foodSenegalese dishes which originaly came from the Casmance region. Chicken Yassa is now eaten in the whole region of West Africa and is becoming also more and more popular outside the continent. The chicken marinated with a sauce made of mostly onions and mustard has a unique taste and gives the Poulet Yassa the delicious fusion flavors of Senegal.  Chicken Yassa is either served with Rice or Sweet Potato. The following recipe is for around 4 to 6 people.

The Ingredients for Chicken Yassa

poulet yassa chicken ingredients senegal

French mustard (strong) 1 dried chili 8 onions
2 cubes of chicken stock 1 small chicken (1-2 KG) peanut oil
Peper and salt 1 cup of water Lemon juice or 4 squished lemons


Recipe for Chicken Yassa from Senegal

step 1 : marinade the chicken

The best way to do is to marinade the chicken one day before. Make the marinade sauce by mixing 2 tablespoons French mustard with 4 tablespoons of peanut oil and 6 tablespoons of lemon juice. Cut the chicken into smaller pieces and use ¾ of the mix to marinade the chicken. Keep the rest of the marinade for the next day.  Now let the chicken rest in the fridge for a day (if you don’t have a day then let it rest 3 hours at least)

Step 2: Onions in Marinade

Cut the 8 onions in large pieces and mix them with the rest of the marinade

Step 3: fry the chicken

Put 2 tablespoons of peanut oil in a large pan and heat it up. Now fry the chicken on high heat so it will turn brown quickly.

Step 4: add the Onions

Once fried turn the fire on low heat and add the onions and the rest of the marinade and cook for around 10 min.

Step 5: add the rest and cook for 45 minutes

Once the onions are soft you should add the chicken stock cubes and 2 cups of waters and  soften, add the chicken pieces, stock cubes, 2 cups of water and the dried chili. Now cook for around 45 minutes while stirring occasionally. Taste with a spoon to see if extra salt or pepper is needed.

Step 6 : Serve the chicken Yassa with Rice or Sweet Potato

You can serve the rice with either cooked white rice (most common) or Sweet Potato. Enjoy the delicious taste of your homemade Poulet Yassa from Senegal.

Senegalese Food


The dish of Senegal: Thieboudiennerecipe for thieboudienne from senegal

Thieboudienne or Ceebu jën, which means rice and fish in Wolof, is the most famous dish of Senegal and can be considered its national dish. Its main ingredients are rice, fish and tomato sauce. Thieboudienne can alsobe  found in neighboring countries such as Mauritania and Gambia. The origin of this dish is commonly attributed to the city of St. Louis, where in the nineteenth century a variant called Thieboudiene Penda Mbaye was prepared. The rice is called “riz graz” in Cote d’ Ivoire , Guinea and other countries of French West Africa but is also similar to the Jollof Rice of Nigeria and Ghana.The realization of the recipe Thieboudienne will take time but it is worth it because the result is too delicious.

How to make Thieboudienne recipe?

The following recipe for Thieboudienne is meant for 4 persons. Adapt the ingredients to the number of people.

Preparations Time : 30 min

Cooking time : 1h


3 cups of rice ( broken rice)
4 large pieces of fish (of your own choice)
3 fresh tomatoes, mashed
3 tablespoons of tomato paste
1 bunch of parsley, crushed
1 large carrot , peeled and cut into medium pieces
2 potatoes , peeled and chopped
1 large onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 small eggplants, facultitatif
1 small cabbage, cut into 4 pieces
200ml peanut oil
2 bouillon cube or Maggi cube
4 bay leaves
4 peppers,
1 table spoon of black pepper
6 small okra
1 tablespoon of Yété , optional
1 tablespoons nététou (if available)
1.5l hot water

You can also add 1 sweet cassava , 1 sweet potato , a little smoked fish

Preparation of Thieboudienne (Wolof Rice)

Step 1: Prepare the stuffing for fish :

Mix the parsley, half the garlic , a little pepper , add salt and half a Maggi . Directory you can loot in a mortar or use a food processor.
Then put the mixture into the fish pieces .

Step 2: Make the tomato sauce .

Heat oil , add onions , tomatoes, tomato paste , the remaining black pepper garlic. Then fry for 15 minutes over medium heat.

Then add the fish in tomato sauce.

Add the bouillon cube (or Maggi ), with bay leaves and 1 cup of water.

Then simmer until the fish pieces are cooked through, about 15 minutes.

Step 3 : Remove the fish and add vegetables

Remove the fish pieces and add all the vegetables except okra with 1 cup of water and cook the vegetables until they are cooked ( 25-30 min) .

You must ensure that the vegetables are ready before removing them, but make sure not to overcook.
Then remove the vegetables and add the okra with water.

Step 4: Cook the Rice

After 5 min remove the okra and add the rice.

Cook the rice over low heat , turning often so that all sides are cooked well .

Step 5 : serve

When the rice is cooked well its ready for serving. place the rice in a nice dish and arrange the vegetables and fish on top.

Bon Appetit ! !